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Personal Training

There is a good chance that you are currently pursuing a particular goal in your life. You might be aiming for a job promotion,getting to grips with a new hobby, planning an amazing family holiday trip aboard, looking to lose weight or possibly moving house. Being goal oriented is part and parcel of the human […]

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Acting my Age
Personal Training

At the age 45, I had lived the life of a Civil Servant. At age 45, I realised I was not living a life I had chosen, but a life that I fell into and chose me.

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We offer personal training at the University of Edinburgh, Sport and Excercise facility - a fantastically well equipped complex that comprises a state of the art cardio suite, circuits gym, free weights gym, fixed weight gym and body conditioning gym - ranked among the best in the UK.

If the gym is not for you I am more than happy to deliver your training outside. Holyrood Park and The Meadows are both within very easy reach. Packages start from £80 per month.

Contact Lynne on 07835 452 274 for more information and a free initial fitness consultation. We offer a FREE 1 hour initial fitness consultation & nutritional assessment, a great CENTRAL location, AFFORDABLE & flexible rates with GROUP and one to one sessions available.

Contact Lynne
